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The energy transition is here. The share of renewable energies in the EU will rise to 32 per cent by 2030. This will also fundamentally change the energy industry in Germany. Together with the RWTH Aachen University, KPMG presents solutions for this situation – summarised in the German white paper „Zukünftige Herausforderungen für Netzbetreiber in Deutschland“. 

Significantly more measurement, control and communication technology required

With electric vehicles and heat pumps, for example, the number of energy consumers will initially continue to rise. In future, they will draw more and more electricity from decentralised solar and wind energy systems, although these are heavily dependent on the weather. Nevertheless, it must be ensured that sufficient energy is always available where it is needed. In future, we will therefore also have to rely on systems that are able to supply electricity flexibly and on demand. There is currently no consensus in Germany on what this should look like in concrete terms. However, it is clear that significantly more measurement, control and communication technology will be required to operate such systems and monitor the electricity grids. There is also a high demand for automation due to the shortage of skilled labour.

Digitalisation leads to initially high costs and more complexity

Comprehensive digitalisation is a prerequisite for the transformation of electricity grids and their control. This includes, for example, merging generation and demand data in a community cloud. Information and operating technology of electricity grid operators are increasingly merging. Nevertheless, the introduction of standardised data models for the integration of metering and operating equipment information remains a challenge. Added to this are the initially high investment costs of such a transformation and the significantly higher complexity of operation.

A safety system is required to maintain operations in the event of an emergency

 More digitalisation and automation increase the risk of potential cyber attacks on critical infrastructure. Faulty software updates, physical damage or improper maintenance can also cause serious disruptions. Operators must therefore take appropriate security measures in parallel with the transformation of the electricity grids. A resilient overall system is required that enables operations to be maintained even in the event of a fault. Last but not least, the requirements of increasing national and international safety standards must be met.


Find out in detail about the challenges mentioned here as well as suitable solutions and benefit from our expertise. Download our white paper „Zukünftige Herausforderungen für Netzbetreiber in Deutschland“ now.