There are more than 10,000 municipalities in Germany. One of their main tasks is to ensure the attractiveness of the respective location. For the established companies and for the citizens. The municipalities not only have to face current trends and tasks such as digitalisation, new mobility and smart city concepts and sustainability issues. In addition, these focus topics are overshadowed by challenges such as high inflation, the aftermath of the Covid 19 pandemic and budget pressures.
Digital wishes and reality are often still far apart
At the top of the top tasks that should be tackled is the digital transformation. Citizens expect a digital administration and want to be able to easily submit applications and requests online. But many municipalities still find it difficult to keep up with this expectation and the digital development of our society. But first steps have been made in the municipalities. During the pandemic period, many digital services were launched in Germany without bureaucracy, which was positively received by citizens.
Our Talkbook outlines solutions to major challenges
We have been advising ministries, subordinate authorities and other public sector actors for several decades and are therefore well acquainted with the specific tasks and challenges. In our talkbook "KPMG for municipalities", we have summarised what the most important tasks of municipalities are and how they can tackle them. For each topic, we highlight the most important challenges and possible solutions.
You get a holistic overview of what the most pressing challenges in the public sector are and which methods we can use to propose suitable solutions.
Torsten Kaiser
Head of Public Sector
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft