The economy is currently being fundamentally changed by a multitude of developments. Under the term ESG (Environment, Social & Governance), companies, institutions and society summarise a broad spectrum of this change towards a more sustainable and socially just future. KPMG's study "Steering Sustainably" examined how companies from four industries are preparing for the change on the basis of self-assessments.
High importance of sustainability in the transport and logistics industry
The comprehensive importance of ESG for transport and logistics companies is reflected in the status and anchoring of the topic in the companies of the industry: Around half of the respondents characterise the ambition level of their company with regard to critical ESG topics as proactive and two thirds state that responsibility for all sustainability-relevant topics is anchored in their company at the top management level at C-level and the board of directors.
Challenges in the implementation of ESG
However, the lack of KPIs to manage environmental, social and governance aspects makes it difficult for companies in the transport and logistics sector to implement ESG: only 52% of the transport and logistics companies surveyed report having suitable KPIs to manage environmental issues and only 32% each have an aligned set of KPIs to manage social or governance aspects.
Dr. Steffen Wagner
Partner, Deal Advisory, Head of M&A, Head of Transport & Leisure
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft