Manuel Rothenburger

Partner, Accounting & Process Advisory

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

As Regional Coordinator for Finance Advisory, I am responsible for Region Central Germany and would be very happy to assist you with any questions relating to international financial reporting, the optimisation of financial processes in Finance, as well as during transactions.

My advisory services focus on transaction-based accounting advice particularly in relation to IPOs and M&A transactions. This includes capital markets readiness assessments as well as advice on preparing prospectuses for EU listings or US SEC listings and also processing historical financial information in cases of complex financial history and pro forma financial information. For the purposes of post deal integration, I provide companies with advice on integrating and adapting group reporting as well as the associated reporting processes. Furthermore, I support my clients during regulatory changes of international accounting standards, which includes professional accounting advice and the implementation of systems and processes. In this context, the new IFRS 15 Revenues from Contracts with Customers and IFRS 16 Leases are particularly noteworthy because they entail profound changes for companies.

  • Adoption of IFRS
  • IPO Readiness
  • International Markets
  • Middle Market
  • National Markets
  • Small Enterprises
  • Transaction accounting
  • German Public Auditor [Wirtschaftsprüfer]

  • German Tax Advisor [Steuerberater]

  • Degree in Business Administration [Diplom-Kaufmann]