Dr. Sophie Henkel

Senior Managerin, Tax

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

I specialise in the structuring of investments for multinational groups. In addition, I have experience in national and cross-border tax issues with a focus on tax structuring/tax optimisation aspects, also in the context of pre- and post-deal projects. Due to my in-house banking experience, I also advise in the areas of financing and investment, investment tax law, flat-rate withholding tax and taxation of financial instruments.

  • Financial Management
  • International Markets
  • Investment management regulatory compliance
  • National Markets
  • Advanced Diploma in International Tax (Britische Steuerberaterkammer)

  • Steuerberater (Deutsche Steuerberaterkammer)

  • LL.M. Tax Law, Queen Mary, University of London

  • LL.M., Technical University of Dresden

  • Dr. jur. University of Leipzig