KPMG in Cyprus is offering training services to students from China

KPMG in Cyprus is offering training services to student

Following the success of last year’s programme, KPMG in Cyprus is delighted to welcome again at its premises Chinese students for the high-calibre training and practice programme titled “Future Business Leader”.


Following the success of last year’s programme, KPMG in Cyprus is delighted to welcome again at its premises Chinese students for the high-calibre training and practice programme titled “Future Business Leader”. 

The training and practice programme is a collaboration of KPMG in Cyprus and ZBG Rising Star Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd  and will last 4 weeks in total in July and August 2019. The sessions will be delivered by Board Members and managerial staff working at KPMG in Cyprus, who possess robust technical and soft skills expertise. 

At the end of the training programmes on several audit or advisory related topics, the trainees will be allocated to several groups according to their area of study (Audit and Advisory) for the apprentice shadowing stage of the programme. Each student will be assigned a mentor who will be responsible for offering guidance and supervision throughout the project across various sectors and industries. 

The training and practice programme aims at enhancing participants’ background, developing their employability skills and building their international social network, to help them in better understanding the current business environment, as well as their future tasks and responsibilities. 

About 50 participants will have the opportunity to experience KPMG’s sociable working environment, learn their professional working process and interact with experienced KPMG mentors.




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