“Being adaptive, agile and open to change means we're constantly evolving and pushing boundaries to drive impactful outcomes for our clients.”



Please describe your role at KPMG in Cyprus and the kind of work you do.

I lead the transformational delivery service line which revolves around supporting our clients in large-scale transformational projects across various sectors. Our team specialises in guiding clients through complex multi-dimensional business wide transformations, ensuring they achieve their strategic objectives efficiently and effectively.

What do you love most about your work?

What I love most is the opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation and being part of the change in organisations. Working on transformational projects allows me to constantly challenge myself, adapt to new situations and collaborate with diverse teams to solve complex problems.

Working in business transformation requires you to be adaptive and always open to change — what excites you about this area of business?

The dynamic nature of a business-wide transformation is what excites me the most. Being adaptive, agile and open to change means we're constantly evolving and pushing boundaries to drive impactful outcomes for our clients. It's rewarding to witness the tangible results of our efforts as organisations transform and thrive in an ever-changing environment.

What challenges might organisations face when trying to adopt an agile approach in their transformation journey?

Some of the key challenges organisations face in adopting an agile approach are cultural resistance, lack of alignment between business and IT, and difficulties in scaling agile practices across large, complex enterprises. Overcoming these challenges usually requires a combination of strong leadership and securing the organisational buy-in.

What is it about KPMG’s approach and its people that make the difference?

KPMG's approach stands out for its depth of expertise, collaborative mindset and commitment to delivering value at every stage of the transformation journey. Our people are not just skilled consultants but trusted advisors as well, who build lasting relationships with clients, drive sustainable change and help organisations navigate the complexities of a business-wide transformation with confidence.

The dynamic nature of a business-wide transformation is what excites me the most. Being adaptive, agile and open to change means we're constantly evolving and pushing boundaries to drive impactful outcomes for our clients.