Date: 16/04/20
On 3 April 2020, the European Commission has issued Decision No. C (2020) 2146 with regards to the relief from import duties and VAT of goods which are necessary to combat the effects of the COVID-19 during 2020.
The relief applies to importations made as from 30 January 2020 to 31 July 2020 and covers goods imported by or on behalf of Government organizations, including Public bodies and other bodies governed by public law or by organisations approved by the competent authorities in the Member States or on behalf of those organizations which are intended for:
i. distribution free of charge by the above bodies and organizations to the persons affected by or at risk from COVID-19 or involved in combating the COVID-19 outbreak;
ii. making them available free of charge to the persons affected by or are at risk from COVID-19 or involved in combating COVID-19 outbreak while the said goods continue to remain the property of the above bodies and organisations
On 9 April, 2020, the Cyprus Customs Department issued Circular EE "M" (67) giving instructions and attaching an indicative list of goods that may be benefited from the relief.