KPMG Science Shop
KPMG Science Shop
Innovation. Research. Development
Innovation. Research. Development
Excellence is achieved when all cogs of a system operate harmoniously and complementarily to each other. Subsequently, innovation is the natural result of the pursuit of maximum efficiency. When the industry seeks efficient methods of operations, academia has the tools to deliver; when the community seeks environmentally sustainable approaches, the industry has the ability to deliver; when academia seeks applicability of research results, both the industry and the community are the catalysts.
Our continuous effort to provide the best quality results to our clients, to form the best possible collaborations and at the same time serve our community, is our driving force for the creation of links between research, the market and the society. It is for these reasons that our participation in the project Scishops creates this sort of added value.
Project Scishops aims to enhance the responsible and sustainable expansion of the Science Shops ecosystem in Europe. It succeeded to receive European Union funding through the Horizon 2020 programme.
The KPMG Science Shop aspires to evolve as a centre for the development and facilitation of research. A place for co-creation, the inception of innovative ideas and the solution of pressing challenges. Through partnerships with the island’s educational institutions, the KPMG Science Shop aims not only to provide solutions, but also to maintain and enlarge our large network of stakeholders. Through a process of ‘everybody wins’, we seek to activate all cogs of the system towards common success: a research question is provided by the community, academia conducts research and we capitalise on the results.
Our broad network in Europe and beyond makes it possible to make this assignment international. Our work has the potential to prove beneficial and a best practice to member firms which engage in similar activities. As such, we will continuously aim to create value to our collaborators, our clients and the community, in the long run.
KPMG Science Shop Activities:
In December 2018, KPMG was a strategic partner in the 146th European Study Group with Industry/co-creation event with society. In this intensive 5-day workshop teams of researchers, companies and representatives of civil society worked together on three societal challenges (1. “Breaking barriers for women in science”; 2. “Improving filter performance”; 3. Reducing fuel use in tugboats). The workshop was co-organised by SciShops project, the EU Mathematics for Industry Network and Cardiff University and was hosted by the University of Cyprus from 3-7 December, 2018. After the workshop a follow-up meeting took place between the KPMG Science Shop and Cardiff researchers and a follow-up MSc project was set up in collaboration with a Cypriot company, on methodologies for reducing fuel reduction in tugboats through data analytics and optimization. The student successfully completed her dissertation in September 2019, under the supervision of Prof. Owen Jones and Dr Katerina Kaouri (who is supporting the KPMG Science Shop through her affiliation to SciCo Cyprus)”.
On June 12th 2019, the KPMG Science Shop organised a press conference and event for stakeholders to announce its official launch. In the event, Mr Christos Vasiliou, Mr Antonis Bargilly and Dr Katerina Kaouri (SciCo Cyprus, NPO supporting the KPMG Science Shop) , relayed the vision and activities of the newly-established Science Shop”.
News - Events:
Within the framework of their strategic partnership, KPMG in Cyprus and the Cyprus Institute of Marketing (CIM) organised two day entrepreneurship workshops under the auspices of Nicosia and Limassol Municipalities on 18-19 June and 17-18 September 2019, respectively. The workshops were prepared within the context of the KPMG Science Shop as a means of disseminating knowledge to the society. The workshops focused on analysing and demonstrating tools and skills required for setting up a new venture, in order to face the challenges in a rapidly changing environment. By the end of the two workshops, participants prepared their 10 minute pitch of their concept. The winners won cash prizes. It is important to note that during the Limassol event, the Mayor indicated particular interest. In his speech, the Mayor highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship regardless of age, but also stressed that capitalisation of research results reduces the risks of failure.
Moreover, KPMG in Cyprus sponsored two scholarships of students to study at CIM. The process aroused significant interest. Following thorough examination of the large number of applications, KPMG and CIM offered the scholarships as follows:
- 1 full scholarship worth € 7.700, for the postgraduate programme MBA Shipping (14 Months FT/24 Months PT). The programme is available only in Limassol.
- 1 partial scholarship worth € 6.500, for the undergraduate programme of the University of West London, BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance. The scholarship covers the first out of the three years duration of the programme. The programme is offered in Nicosia and/or in Limassol.
The scholarships form part of a series of actions implemented by the KPMG Science Shop.
In the framework of the KPMG Science Shop, KPMG in Cyprus has joined forces with Larnaka Municipality for the submission of H2020 Twinning project Maritec-X. The project was successful in receiving 30 million euros of funding from the Cyprus Government and the European Commission for the establishment of the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI), a Centre of Excellence and Research. Based in Larnaka, the CMMI is an independent, international, scientific and business Centre of Excellence for Marine and Maritime activities. It carries out research, technological development and innovation activities (RTDI) aiming to provide practical solutions to the challenges that the marine and maritime industry, and society, face or will face in the future. The kick-off took place last July in Larnaka. On the 10th October 2019, the commencement of activities took place, where KPMG in Cyprus is a firm contributor in resources for the implementation of research projects relating to preparation of prototypes and proof of concepts in the topics of Marine and Maritime studies.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Action under Grant Agreement No 741657.
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