Succession blogs
Succession blogs
Families in business have an opportunity to create a lasting legacy that brings with it a sense of accomplishment and pride. However, succession and integrating the next generation into business is perhaps the toughest and most critical challenge of a family business. Please find below a list of blogs regarding succession and the next generation of a family business.
- The challenge of change in a family business
- Managing the generational shift in family business
- The biggest life event in your family business
- Leadership decisions in a family business
- Steps to take for succession planning – for the CEO
- Succession planning & the senior generation: Time to act
- The 4 step succession plan
- Getting children into a family business
- KPMG Family Business Conference in Cyprus
- 2nd KPMG Family Business Conference in South Africa
- ‘Digital natives’ set to lead new era in family businesses
- KPMG’s 1st Family Business Forum in Athens, Greece
- The 3 keys to a good family business succession plan
- The time is ripe for family business succession
- Japanese family businesses live long and prosper
- The succession taboo
- Passion for family business by Leonard Forestier [Video]
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