KPMG Peer Bank

KPMG Peer Bank

A benchmarking tool that brings peer-to-peer analysis on over 100 key ratios and indicators.

A benchmarking tool that brings peer-to-peer analysis on over 100 key ratios & indicators.

Since its inception, ECB Supervision has been regarded as a game changer. The ECB is reshaping the banking industry in Europe in a number of ways. Part of the ECB’s role as supervisor is to ensure the stability of the financial sector in Europe and appropriate capitalization as well as liquidity buffers of European banks. It has been the ECB’s stated objective to drive a harmonized model of pan-European banking supervision; in this regard, pan-European peer analysis is one of most relevant supervisory tools.

It is no surprise, then, that a question KPMG professionals hear consistently from banks is: “How do I compare to my peers?”

To help banks understand their position, we have developed KPMG Peer Bank, a new benchmarking tool that is designed to go beyond transparency to deliver comparative peer-to-peer insights for banks.

Benchmarking is not just a tool for competitive analysis. The ECB has access to a broad set of data and is using it to evaluate the soundness of banks. Bank management need to be prepared for conversations with the ECB and understand its position against its peers, especially in the eye of its supervisor.

KPMG Peer Bank offers a number of distinguishing features that allow banks to run comparative analysis for some of the largest banks in Europe. A user has the option to create their own peer group whenever they use the tool, in addition to the pre-set peer groups based on the size of a bank and its business model. A user can choose from over 100 ratios and indicators and can compare information against the EU average, country average, and peer group average; users may also obtain a percentile ranking with respect to their peer group.

KPMG Peer Bank is a web-based tool that can be used online via a PC or mobile device. Data and charts can be exported for additional analysis and reporting.

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