CRR II to CRR III: Capital adequacy for banks

20 June 2023 | 9:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. | 6 CPD | KPMG Nicosia

20 June 2023 | 9:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. | 6 CPD | KPMG Nicosia


Seminar’s Overview

All European banks including Cyprus banks are required to comply with the prudential rules set by the Capital Requirements Regulation (EU Regulation No. 575/2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions), as this may be subsequently amended or replaced. The amendments that have been proposed by the European Commission through the CRR III proposal, which will be the focus of this training, introduce changes to the CRR rules which, once implemented, will be binding for all European banks. These changes affect the methodologies that banks are required to apply in order to derive their Capital Adequacy Ratio. Therefore, these changes are important for Banks, which have to be ready to implement them when they enter into force on 1 of January 2025.

A KPMG director in our Risk Consulting Department and her assistant, will provide insights into the Capital Requirements Regulation, as amended and currently in force and the changes to the CRR rules, which are planned to take place on the 1st of January 2025 due to the introduction of CRR III. It should be noted that the training will be enriched with practical, hands-on examples, in order to make the concepts easier for comprehension.

Seminar’s goals

By the completion of this training, participants will be in a position to:

  • describe the key changes introduced by the CRR III
  • state the differentiating factors between the External Credit Risk Assessment Approach (“ECRA”) and the Standardised Credit Risk Assessment Approach (“SCRA”) for Credit Risk exposures
  • name the new CRR III methodologies 
  • execute the CRR III methodologies for deriving the minimum capital requirements for Credit, Market and Operational Risk
  • explain to their colleagues and other stakeholders the key amendments to the current CRR framework
  • justify the reasons for the changes brought by the CRR III
  • juxtapose the Standardised Approach currently used for Credit Risk exposures to the ECRA and SCRA that will apply under the new rules
  • defend the introduction of the Output Floor for banks relying on internal models for capital requirement calculations
  • rationalise the replacement of all current methodologies for deriving the Operational Risk capital requirements by the new Standardised approach. 


This training is addressed to officers serving in a number of functions within banks, including Directors, General Managers, CEOs, CFOs, Heads of Risk Management Functions, Credit Risk Officers, Market and Liquidity Risk Officers, Operational Risk Officers, Accounting and Finance Control Officers, Heads of Compliance Functions and Compliance Officers, Heads of Internal Audit Functions and Internal Audit Officers, officers involved in Regulatory Reporting, officers involved in Treasury/Proprietary Trading Functions, Information Systems Officers and other relevant professionals.

*The number of participants is restricted to 28.


1. Introduction (30 min)

  • Objectives of the training
  • Key learning outcomes
  • Drivers and purpose of the revisions to the Basel III framework
  • Summary of key changes in the Basel III framework

2. Credit Risk (3 hrs & 30 min)

  • Revisions to the Standardised Approach for Credit Risk
          - Selected asset classes and exposures
  • New Standardised Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk
  • Credit Valuation Adjustment (“CVA”) Risk
  • Credit Risk Mitigation
  • Numerical examples on the practical application of the key Credit Risk rules

3. Market Risk: Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (“FRTB”) (45 min)

  • FRTB purpose and main provisions
  • Main industry concerns       

4. Operational Risk (30 min)

  • New Standardised Approach for Operational Risk
  • Numerical examples on the practical application of the new standardised approach for Operational Risk

5. Output Floor (15 min)

  • Meaning and purpose
  • Transitional provisions

6. Other Topics (30 min)

  • Large Exposures
  • Leverage Ratio
  • Disclosures

Registration & Contact

If you wish to register for the seminar, please complete the registration form.

Once your registration is submitted, you will receive an email stating the participation fee, including any discounts, if applicable. Kindly note that the payment should be settled at least two days prior to the seminar’s date for your registration to be confirmed.

The programme has been approved by the HRDA. Enterprises participating with their employees who satisfy HRDA’s criteria, are entitled to subsidy. Please note that there are limited seats available, therefore enroll in this seminar as soon as possible.

If you do not receive our confirmation e-mail regarding your registration, your participation cannot be guaranteed.


€264 + VAT.  Net investment after subsidy from the HRDA of €102: €212,16 (including VAT) for all eligible participants*

*Last Date for 10% Early Bird Discount: 06/06/23


Discounts available

  • For more than two (3+) participants from the same company a 10% discount is available on the total cost, before the VAT and HRDA subsidy. This discount only applies for participants who enroll in the same seminar, on the same day. This discount can only be combined with the early bird discount and the HRDA subsidy, when applicable.
  • For individuals/legal entities who/which register in more than two (3+) seminars during the same semester (January-June & July-December), a 10% discount is available on the total cost, before the VAT and HRDA subsidy. This discount only applies for individuals/legal entities who/which enroll in more than two (3+) seminars during the same semester, on the same day. This discount can only be combined with the early bird discount and the HRDA subsidy, when applicable.
  • There is a 10% discount for alumni members. This discount should be applied before the VAT and HRDA subsidy and can only be combined with the early bird discount and the HRDA subsidy, when applicable. For more information on our alumni scheme, click here.
  • There is a 10% early bird discount on selected seminars for participants who enroll in a training course until a specific date which is stated above. This discount should be applied before the VAT and HRDA subsidy and can only be combined with the HRDA subsidy, when applicable.
  • HRDA subsidy for all HRDA approved seminars. 



For any queries, please contact us on +357 22 207 460 or at


This seminar may contribute to Continuing Professional Development requirements. At the end of the seminar participants will be given a certificate of attendance confirming the total number of training hours (6 CPD).



Artemis Hadjivarnava
Principal, Capital Adequacy Lead, Risk Consulting, KPMG in Cyprus

Artemis is a Principal in the Risk Consulting department of KPMG in Cyprus, with more than 14 years of experience in the financial services advisory field. She is heading the Capital Adequacy consulting team and has extensive experience in the implementation of various assurance and advisory engagements in relation to Capital Adequacy (Basel III & IV, CRR/CRD, IFR/IFD) calculations and Impact Studies, capital adequacy seminars, Consolidated Supervision, ICAAPs, Pillar 3 Disclosures, Operational Risk Management Frameworks, Client Assets, Internal Controls and overall regulatory compliance, in banks and investment firms.

Artemis has participated in numerous Basel II & III (Pillar 1) projects with several banks and investment firms in Cyprus and is currently assisting such organisations to quantify and understand the impact of the amended CRR rules (for banks) and the new IFR/IFD prudential rules (for investment firms) on their capital requirements and their overall regulatory obligations. Furthermore, she has participated in the implementation of a Basel III Pillar 1 calculations engine in two of the largest local banking institutions, performed Capital Efficiency exercises and delivered educational, hands-on seminars on Capital Adequacy regulatory provisions to banks and investment firms.

In 2015, she was certified by the HRDA as a “Trainer of Vocational Training”.


Savvas Savva    
Assistant Manager, Risk Consulting department, KPMG in Cyprus

Savvas is an Assistant Manager in the Risk Consulting department of KPMG in Cyprus, with more than five years of experience in the financial services advisory field. He is working in the Capital Adequacy consulting team and has extensive experience in the implementation of various assurance and advisory engagements in relation to Capital Adequacy (Basel III, IFR) calculations and Impact Studies, capital adequacy seminars, ICAAPs under CRR and ICARAs under IFR, Pillar 3 Disclosures, and overall regulatory compliance in banks and investment firms.

Savvas has participated in numerous Basel III (Pillar 1) projects with several banks and investment firms in Cyprus and is currently assisting such organisations to quantify and understand the impact of the amended CRR rules (for banks) and the recently applied IFR/IFD prudential rules (for investment firms) on their capital requirements and their overall regulatory obligations. Furthermore, he has participated in the implementation of a semi-automated IFR/IFD Pillar 1 calculations file in numerous investment firms, performed Capital Efficiency exercises and delivered educational, hands-on seminars on Capital Adequacy regulatory provisions to investment firms.


The programme has been approved by the HRDA. Enterprises participating with their employees who satisfy HRDA’s criteria, are entitled to subsidy. 

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