Data Protection Navigator

Gain smart insights. Evolve to digital data and privacy protection.
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KPMG Data Protection Navigator helps you gain smart insights and innovatively manage new and emerging complexities in data and privacy.

Embedding privacy throughout your organisation is crucial to stay on top of complex local and global regulations particularly with increased amounts of data collection, and the shift towards hybrid working.

KPMG’s Data Protection Navigator offers digital self-assessments to evaluate and understand your current posture across multiple roles, locations, and business functions. Making it easy to use from anywhere, anytime and with any device.

The real-time maturity reporting dashboard and benchmark reporting based on global, and industry best-practice insights enables proactive data-driven decision making.

Our Data Privacy and Protection specialists have developed this unique solution to help deliver faster, cost effective means to manage and mitigate risk.

It’s the clever way to comply and stay ahead.

What is Data Protection Navigator?

Benefits of KPMG Data Protection Navigator

Digital Maturity Assessments

Enables organisations to rapidly detect, understand and manage their risks over time.

Smart Insights

Assesses your privacy maturity level against relevant regulatory requirements and global best practices, supported by our Data Privacy and Protection team.

Real-time Reporting

Instant reporting, easy to interpret and accessible anytime on any device.

Easy to implement

Quickly deploy this cloud-based solution to digitally transform your privacy processes - saving time and driving process efficiencies.

Global & industry practice insights

Our specialist team provides practical insights and recommendations based on their deep industry experience helping you with compliance and improving your posture.

Connect with every employee, everywhere

Make decisions based on data collected from every employee, business unit and location.

Meet the team

Kelly Henney
National Leader, Privacy & Data Protection, KPMG Australia

“The DPN was built for our clients to drive business outcomes through the evolving data asset. The DPN provides a lens for clients to better compete and commercialise their data by unlocking the economic value of their data. This will drive business potential and as advantage is gained over the competition for our clients, KPMG will use the DPN findings to assist clients establish new data strategies to create new revenue streams through these data insights and the enhanced understanding of the macro data landscape.”

Shubham Singhal
Director, Privacy & Data Protection, KPMG Australia

“Today’s businesses are powered by digital innovations and are more data-driven than ever. Every day, billions of dollars change hands, and countless decisions are based on the voluminous data being generated and analysed. Data Privacy, Protection, and regulatory compliance mandates are challenging and dangerous to ignore. Many organisations have data privacy at the top of their business’s risk management agenda and are finding out that they need help from specialists.”

Mischa Steen
Associate Director, Privacy & Data Protection, KPMG Australia

“As businesses are collecting more and more data from a wider variety of channels, it is critical to establish an organisation-wide view of data inventories along with the people, processes and controls in place to manage this data. As data protection risk permeates throughout most, if not all, functions of an organisation, the DPN provides a powerful tool in gathering intelligence from a broad array of sources and distilling it into a clear view of current state maturity. As Australian organisations are facing into an evolving landscape of data risk and regulation, it is critical that they adopt a robust, coordinated and well governed approach in designing and embedding their control environment.”

Use case

Designing, formalising, and streamlining privacy management

Our major banking client was seeking assistance with an independent analysis of its privacy framework and personal data uses across the entire organisation to assess whether they were in accordance with local privacy laws and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

KPMG’s rigorous assessment provided senior management with confidence that the processing of personal information and privacy risks were adequately addressed. It also embedded privacy awareness and better accountability throughout the organisation. The bank benefitted from confirming that personal information is used in accordance with the privacy principles, and that the control environment supporting the processing of personal information is robust. Using KPMG’s Data Protection Navigator helped to reduce the bank’s regulatory and reputational risks.