KPMG is pleased to provide our quarterly summary of coal price forecast data for hard coking coal, PCI, semi-soft coking coal and Newcastle Benchmark thermal coal and AUD:USD exchange rate forecasts.


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Data is gathered from various research databases and broker reports. All forecasts, other than long term are presented in nominal USD per metric tonne, free on board terms.

The forecast data presented in these reports represent an unbiased summary of commodity price and exchange rate forecasts, based on the views of individual economic commentators and broking houses. It is not necessarily reflective of either KPMG’s views on coal price or exchange rate forecasts, or our preferred approach in determining forecast coal prices and forecast exchange rates.

This analysis is provided to you on an information only basis and if you wish to rely on this analysis or any part thereof you do so entirely at your own risk.

This bulletin makes reference to ‘KPMG Analysis’. This indicates only that we have (where specified) undertaken certain analytical activities on the underlying data to arrive at the information presented.