With the release of HKEX’s enhanced climate disclosure, it is imperative for the listed companies to incorporate climate impact considerations into their strategic planning as well as having the internal procedures and systems ready for climate disclosure. Companies will need to accelerate strategies to navigate the new regulatory guidelines.

Questions you will need to answer:

  1. How do we identify material climate risks and opportunities in both the near and long term?
  2. How do we begin to integrate climate and financial reporting?
  3. How do we streamline and standardise our data collection to ensure data integrity and embrace digitalisation?
  4. What strategic changes in decarbonisation and transition planning are necessary to address the impacts of climate change?

Connected Enterprise

Hong Kong Capital Markets Update – Issue 2, April 2024

HKEX’s consultation conclusion on climate-related disclosures

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Previous KPMG events on the HKEX enhanced climate disclosure


Financial Reporting Series: Sustainability Reporting Development

Language: English

Monday, April 22nd 2024

Physical Forum

Reporting for Resilience: Bridging Climate and Finance

Language: English

Wednesday, May 8th 2024


HKEX enhanced climate disclosures and what it means for Chinese companies

Language: Mandarin

Tuesday, May 14th 2024

Physical Forum

Decoding the sustainability reporting guidelines for A-share companies and HKEX enhanced climate disclosure

Language: Mandarin

Friday, May 24th 2024


Adapting to HKEX’s Climate Disclosures: Navigating Corporate Climate Strategies and Risk Management

Language: English

Wednesday, May 29th 2024


Advancing ESG: Enhancing Governance Frameworks and Data Integrity

Language: English

Thursday, June 27th 2024

Transparent climate reporting enables stakeholders to assess the financial impacts and strategic implications of climate change. HKEX's enhanced disclosures, aligned with ISSB standards, empower informed decision-making.

Pat Woo
Head of ESG, Hong Kong (SAR), KPMG China

Business implications across the organisation

The impact of the HKEX’s enhanced climate disclosure spans across the organisation and can transform businesses and their operations. Emphasising and refining ESG goals and strategies can enhance service offerings and services, increase talent attraction and retention and allow an improve access to capital. 

Take advantage of the opportunity to translate ESG aspirations into actionable steps, gaining a competitive edge that reduces risk and boosts shareholder value. Click below to explore solutions.

Organisations need to integrate ESG into their core business strategies. Management should begin investing in an effective ESG that incorporates climate-related risks and opportunities while considering all aspects of business, including operations, accounting, and tax implications.

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Sustainability reporting is developing quickly, with new requirements from ISSB, the ESRS, and the US SEC. These standards are ambitious and companies will need to ensure their reporting needs the highest standards of transparency and accuracy. KPMG helps clients understand their ESG reporting obligations, determine their readiness and support them in complying with new reporting requirements.

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The demand for confidence in ESG disclosures is growing, ESG assurance helps clients in navigating the continuously evolving regulatory landscape concerning ESG reporting requirements and emerging best practice. It also helps clients in understanding the quality of the non-financial information in their annual reporting.
If you are uncertain as to how your company stacks up against the HKEX’s Climate-related Disclosures, KPMG’s Ready for Assurance service is a one-time review of necessary base company competencies that can be used to verify whether the conditions necessary for assurance to be performed for an entity over ESG reporting have been met.

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Climate change and biodiversity loss requires urgent action, it is not just a societal challenge but it also poses dire operation and financial risks for businesses. These risks presents an opportunity for organisations to conduct risk management strategies to their operation to ensure resiliency, while protecting the environment. The KPMG team works closely with financial institutions, who are exposed to climate change and nature-related risks through their business and investment activities, and have expanded our coverage to work with corporate clients from high-emission sectors, such as real estate and construction.

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KPMG adopts an investor's mindset, providing enhanced insights that lead to more favourable deal outcomes. Drawing on deep sector expertise with worldwide experts and capabilities, our approach integrates data, analytics, and technology to optimise deal value and facilitate swift execution. M&A teams are increasingly conducting ESG due diligence on targets at an early stage. And for good reason: statistics consistently demonstrate that higher ESG performance is linked to better financial performance and investment return.

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ESG has become a primary indicator when evaluating corporate conduct. Taxation plays a crucial role as it is closely connected to the ESG advantages that companies can use to achieve these goals. With the emergence of carbon tax measures and internal carbon price, the evolving tax regulatory landscape is becoming more challenging. Planning the impact of these measures across business and operating models must become a fundamental part of a business’ tax strategy.

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How companies address climate change, diversity, and other ESG risks is now viewed – by investors, research and ratings firms, employees, customers, and regulators – as fundamental to business and critical to long-term sustainability and value creation. Companies must develop robust governance process, controls and procedures to monitor, manage and oversee climate-related risks and opportunities. KPMG helps clients set their ESG foundation and governance as oversight of these risks and opportunities is a significant challenge, requiring robust governance structures and input at a board-level, down to day-to-day processes.

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