Fraud alert - telephone scams, phishing emails and online employment scams

KPMG in Canada takes the protection of our clients' and employment candidates’ privacy interests very seriously. While KPMG in Canada cannot take responsibility for the telephone scams, email scams or online employment scams perpetrated against our clients, employment candidates and other third parties, KPMG in Canada is providing this notice so they remain alert and consider an appropriate response to a perceived scam.

How to recognize a telephone or email scam

A telephone scam occurs when an individual impersonates KPMG personnel on the telephone or by way of text messages to request access to personal or confidential information for fraudulent purposes. An email scam occurs when a fake KPMG email address is used to obtain personal or confidential information for fraudulent purposes. In addition, these "phishing emails" often contain harmful links and attachments which can grant remote access to a device.

How to recognize an employment scam

An employment scam occurs when a false job opportunity is created on an internet job board using KPMG’s name, logo and/or referencing KPMG personnel contact information for fraudulent purposes. Similar to phishing emails, these fake job postings often contain harmful links used to solicit personal or confidential information.

Protect yourself and your business

Verify the validity of the communication. Limit your communication to those KPMG in Canada team members assigned to your engagement or employment application. It is uncommon for someone else at KPMG in Canada to contact you for information. If you are contacted by someone who purports to be from KPMG in Canada but whom you do not recognize, please contact your engagement partner, or Talent Attraction at in the case of recruitment matters, to verify the validity of the communication. If you do not currently have an engagement with KPMG in Canada or the matter is not recruitment related, you can report the matter to our Privacy Office at

KPMG in Canada engagement and Talent Attraction teams will only send emails from specified email addresses. KPMG in Canada will only send emails ending in the "" domain name. If you receive an email that does not include this domain name, it is not from KPMG in Canada.

Be aware of suspicious emails. If you don't know the source of an email or if it looks suspicious, trust your instincts and do not open it. If you do open an email and the content contains suspicious links or unexpected attachments, do not further engage with it. In the event you accidentally click on a link or share personal or confidential information, consider contacting your organization's IT department or law enforcement as soon as possible (including by consulting the RCMP's website on scams and frauds at

Confirm the legitimacy of a job posting. If you are applying for a job, confirm the legitimacy of a job posting by viewing current open roles at All legitimate job postings will require that an application be made directly on our KPMG Canada Career Portal and not on any external job boards.

Safeguard your devices. Check to make sure you have the most up-to-date anti-virus and anti-malware software to ensure your mobile devices and laptops are securely protected.