Dawn is a partner in KPMG’s Canadian Corporate Tax practice in Calgary with over 14 years of professional experience. She specializes in the areas of Canadian income tax compliance, tax planning, reorganizations, tax due diligence, and tax accounting matters under IFRS and US GAAP. Dawn provides tax services to a wide array of private and public companies in the oil and gas, energy services, financial services, mutual funds, technology, and agriculture industries. She also has experience in Australian corporate income tax, from an international secondment, where she spent 18 months working in Sydney, Australia.
Dawn is a leader of KPMG’s Intelligent Delivery and Innovation team – combining tax technical expertise, technology, and data and analytics, to drive more value out of recurring tax engagements for her clients.
Bachelor of Commerce Degree, Accounting, University of Manitoba (2005)
In-Depth Tax Courses, CPA Canada
Member of the Canadian Petroleum Tax Society
Past Treasurer, Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary (AAFS)
Dawn previously served as a Group Study Leader for the CPA In-Depth Level II Tax Course