The Pulse of Fintech – Q4 2016

The Pulse of Fintech – Q4 2016

Quarterly analysis of global venture capital trends in the fintech sector.

Quarterly analysis of global venture capital trends in the fintech sector.

Given the significant interest in fintech globally, and its ongoing evolution in terms of market drivers, technologies and potential use-cases, KPMG is bringing you pulse of fintech investment globally. Each quarter, we’ll highlight key fintech deals, issues and challenges around the world, in addition to key trends and insights related to fintech in key regions, including North America, Asia and Europe.

After 2015’s record-setting $46.7 billion in global funding to fintech companies, 2016 brought reality back to the market with an almost 50 percent slide in fintech investment. According to The Pulse of Fintech – a quarterly report on global fintech trends produced by KPMG, 2016’s annual fintech funding total of $24.7 billion was significant compared to pre-2015 investment levels.

We explore these results and a number of other global and regional trends in this report. We also examine a number of questions that are top of mind for fintech investors today, including:

  • Will lending and payments continue to attract the most investment?
  • Will insurtech and regtech become the next big fintech hot spots?
  • What are regulators doing to open the door for fintech innovation?
  • How is fintech expected to evolve in 2017?

See the full report for details.

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