When organizations think about audit and assurance, they often focus on assurance over the financial statements alone. However, assurance can be applied to all of the information that is used to manage, govern, transact with and invest in an organization. The market is demanding more accountability and transparency from companies in all aspects of their business. Assurance on non-financial information can help instill confidence when management makes the important decisions on behalf of an organization.



Prospective reporting

Companies may sometimes prepare prospective financial information where there is a regulatory requirement for the prospective financial information to be reported on by an independent, external firm. Examples include prospective financial information presented in prospectuses in certain jurisdictions. Where appropriate, we provide relevant reports on the prospective financial information in accordance with applicable reporting requirements. Services are conducted in accordance with International Standards on Audit Engagements or applicable national standards.



Expert services

Companies and entrepreneurs face challenging times and may sometimes encounter conflicts with their shareholders which can result in a legal proceeding. We can assist our clients in the calculation of damages - for example, income loss and damages due to a forced standstill of a company or losses due to the breach or discontinuation of a contract.

Shareholders may also develop different views on the strategic course and development of a company. These situations might lead to a buyout of one or more shareholders, and this process can result in a legal procedure to transfer shares. We can assist shareholders in these buy-out procedures when settled either amicably or before court.

We have a dedicated team with extensive financial knowledge and the necessary legal background to assist you with your legal proceedings. These services and assignments are carried out upon request of a court or upon request of clients who are subject to a legal procedure. 



Sustainability assurance and readiness assessment

Sustainability is becoming increasingly more important in today's society. Organizations are expected to measure their sustainability performance and be transparent about this with customers, investors, NGOs and other stakeholders. Organizations are being asked to report on more and more environmental, social and governance indicators in their corporate reporting. This requires the presentation of reliable information on how sustainability targets were or were not achieved, in accordance with international guidelines (GRI, IIRC, CDP, etc.).

We provide independent assurance on the corporate responsibility (CR) or sustainability performance of organizations.



Other forms of assurance and related services

We are also called upon to assist clients to issue reports on examinations, reviews or agreed-upon procedures. These services cover many needs for assurance that are outside the financial statement audit requirements. They respond to business needs of clients to obtain independent assurance on the reliability or validity of information related to a product, service or activity that is the responsibility of the client, as organizations have realized that financial reports alone do not adequately communicate either opportunities or business risks. KPMG professionals will usually conduct these services in accordance with the International Standards on Audit Engagements or International Standards on Related Services.