Our latest podcast offers clear and concise points for companies to consider in preparing their year-end financial statements.
Hosted by Brian O’Donovan, this episode takes as its central theme the need to drive clarity in financial reporting. Many investors and regulators have been raising concerns about the clarity of financial reporting. And artificial intelligence has fundamentally changed how we all communicate. So maintaining stakeholder confidence and trust remains high on the agenda for all companies.
The podcast delivers insights from KPMG specialists on a range of topics, including climate-related matters, valuation and impairment, changes to presentation and new disclosures – and finally the growing importance of connectivity between a company’s financial statements and all other publicly available information.
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Podcast contents
Introduction | Brian O’Donovan, Global IFRS Leader, KPMG International Standards Group |
00:00 |
Are you clear on climate reporting? | Irina Ipatova, Associate Partner, Avi Victor, IFRS Technical Director, |
02:20 |
05:50 | ||
Are you clear on presentation? | Gabriela Kegalj, Partner, Kelly Coyne, Manager, |
09:10 |
13:05 | ||
Are you telling a connected story? | Sinéad Slattery, IFRS Technical Director, KPMG International Standards Group |
15:15 |
Closing comments | Brian O’Donovan | 19:20 |
I believe that connectivity provides the unifying principle to achieve clarity in financial reporting. It's the glue that binds together the different elements of an annual report into a single, integrated, coherent whole.
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