- Financial reporting – Driving clarity on presentation and disclosures
- Sustainability reporting – Facing new challenges
- ESEF reporting
- Other ESMA communications
To promote the consistent application of financial reporting and the newly effective sustainability reporting requirements, the European securities regulator, ESMA1, has issued its priorities for 2024 annual reports.
This year, as companies prepare their first set of sustainability reports under the newly effective European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), the focus is shifting. A number of financial reporting areas aimed at driving clarity on presentation and disclosures remain on the watch list; however, sustainability reporting is the main focus. Regulators around the world will be watching how companies report under ESRS, with many more jurisdictions having made arrangements or pledges to implement sustainability reporting requirements in the coming years.
ESMA also highlights the need for consistency in the annual report and the importance of similar governance over both sustainability reporting and financial reporting.
As European companies apply the new sustainability reporting requirements for the first time in 2024, ESMA is shifting its focus. Although some key areas of financial reporting remain on ESMA’s watch list, it plans to pay specific attention to sustainability reporting, taxonomy disclosures and digital reporting.
Financial reporting – Driving clarity on presentation and disclosures
ESMA’s 2024 enforcement priorities highlight the following topics relating to IFRS® Accounting Standards.
ESMA’s area of focus | ESMA’s priorities |
Newly effective requirements in 2024 |
Statement of cash flows |
Accounting policies, judgements, significant estimates | ESMA emphasises that disclosures of material accounting policies, judgements and sources of estimation uncertainty need to be company-specific and consistent with other information within the financial statements. The following areas are included in ESMA’s key highlights.
Sustainability reporting – Facing new challenges
As the first year of mandatory reporting under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) arrives for the largest companies, ESMA’s enforcement priorities complement and build on their earlier statement on the focus areas for first-time reporting under ESRS.
ESMA’s area of focus | ESMA’s priorities |
Materiality assessment | A thorough materiality assessment is required to determine relevant disclosures under ESRS. ESMA highlights the importance of:
Structure and scope |
EU Taxonomy Regulation |
Priorities related to ESEF reporting
On the requirements of digital reporting under the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) regulation, ESMA highlights the following priorities.
- Accuracy and consistency: ESMA highlights common errors in tagging for ESEF and stresses the importance of using the appropriate taxonomy elements. There is an emphasis on correct scaling, consistency of calculations and completeness in tagging line items in the balance sheet.
- Mark-up quality: ESMA notes the improvement in text block readability. Issuers are advised to adhere closely to the guidance in the ESEF Reporting Manual.
Other ESMA communications
In addition to the enforcement priorities for 2024 annual reports, ESMA has issued:
- a statement on accounting for carbon allowances in the financial statements; and
- a report on first-time application of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts.
ESMA also reminds companies about enforcement priorities from 2023 that remain relevant, such as the need for connectivity between financial and sustainability statements in relation to climate-related risks and opportunities, the application of IFRS 17 and considerations on alternative performance measures (APMs).
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