The way organizations manage, use, and leverage data has become a key differentiator between average enterprises and high-performing businesses. Embracing a data-driven approach has become critical for any organization's activities. Our experience teaches us that organizations able to do so grow faster than traditional ones. This perception has led to considerable investments by almost every organization in any industry towards improving their data, analytics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. Their ultimate goal is to drive value based on data.

Becoming more data-driven and AI-enabled is a mindset rather than a toolkit.


Becoming data-driven and AI-enabled does not happen overnight

Over the past few years, organizations have made significant investments in laying the groundwork for becoming data-driven and AI-enabled. These investments have focused on establishing the technical data foundations, cultivating partnerships, conducting initial analytics and AI experiments, and fostering internal awareness about the importance of data. Despite these efforts, many organizations have yet to fully realize the potential of their data. Achieving true data-driven and AI-enabled status, and unlocking long-term value from data, requires more than merely building a data platform, hiring data scientists, or investing in technology and software.

The need for a data organization (re)design and operating model

The journey towards becoming a data-driven organization is undeniably lengthy and intricate, demanding meticulous attention and investment across multiple facets. Such a transformation necessitates not only technological upgrades but also fundamental shifts in organizational structure and data-operating models. It begins with establishing a common set of guiding principles intricately linked to strategic business priorities. Additionally, robust governance mechanisms must be instituted to steer and oversee data-related initiatives effectively.

Central to this transformation is the design of efficient structures for managing, utilizing, and leveraging data, supported by pragmatic processes, clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and a service model tailored to the organization's needs. Equally crucial is the cultivation of a data-centric culture, underpinned by investments in awareness and training. Ultimately, the essence of being data-driven transcends the mere acquisition of tools; it is, above all, a mindset.

By adopting these strategies, organizations can navigate the complex journey towards becoming truly data-driven and AI-enabled, unlocking the full potential of their data assets and driving sustainable growth.

How KPMG can help

Now, more than ever, is the time to transform your organizational design and data-operating model, and to start harnessing the power of your data-driven and AI-enabled organization.

Our Belgian KPMG Lighthouse team of data professionals is powered by an international network of data specialists and strategic relationships across the emerging technology landscape. Working shoulder to shoulder with clients, we believe in co-creating pragmatic solutions that generate tangible value.

We would love to help you transform your organization, making it more data-driven and AI-enabled. Our KPMG BE Lighthouse team will be there to support you every step of the way on this challenging and crucial journey.