Artificial intelligence is one of the most important technologies of our time, and businesses that are not using AI are at a serious risk of being left behind, with AI now seen as the most important technology for achieving short-term ambitions.
Our annual technology survey looks at how businesses can use AI to improve growth, resilience, and agility, and argues that businesses that are not using AI are missing out on a major opportunity.
As a result of the rapid advances in AI, and generative AI in particular, businesses are being forced to reassess their strategies. In last year’s report, 40 percent of businesses said they had reached the “proactive” stage of their strategy for AI deployment; today, that figure has dropped to just 15 percent showing that many organizations are firmly in the planning & deployment phases of their AI practices.
“It is important to remember that AI provides a way to drive value from many other investments in technology, particularly in the data arena”
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