On Thursday, 21 September our customs databases webinar took place.

Several institutions provide handy and free of charge customs-related databases that allow you to check the validity of certain codes, provide guidance on how to file certain documents, or even assistance in determining the origin of your goods upon exportation. However, we know it can be difficult to see the wood for the trees.

During this one-hour webinar, the KPMG Global Customs and Trade team discussed websites and online tools (Taric, Tarbel, Access2Markets) that make your life as a customs professional easier.

Relive the webinar

Free online customs databases

If you missed the webinar or would like to revisit it, we invite you to watch the recording and download the slides.


  • Storytime
    • a. Overview of setup
    • b. You might ask yourself…
  • Registration
    • a. EORI Database
  • Origin of goods
    • a. Access2Markets
    • b. Rosa
    • c. REX
  • Classification
    • a. EBTI
  • General information
    • a. Tarbel/TARIC
    • b. Customs Representatives list
    • c. AEO

Watch the recording

Please select your preferred topic(s) by clicking on the corresponding video(s). Should you have any further questions or comments, do not hesitate to reach out to our experts.

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