Many companies are adopting a data-driven approach and recognizing that effective use of their data is the key difference between an average enterprise and a high-performing business. They are embracing a more data-driven mindset and investing considerably in improving their data, analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities and activities. To successfully realize these initiatives, companies must have the ability to collect, organize, transform and analyze their data, which forms the basis for everything. These capabilities are typically enabled through a data platform, forming the engine for a widespread usage of data and value creation across the company.

Although technology alone is not a recipe for success, a well-built and managed data platform is a critical component for the realization of analytical use cases and for driving adoption of a more data-driven mindset across the organization.


Gradually expanding a data platform

Transforming an organization does not happen overnight, and neither does setting up a future-proof data platform for an entire organization. It requires a gradual approach, with well-defined milestones to make the journey a success.

By starting small, you can focus on adding value with limited investment whilst testing your theories and design in practice. Gradually adding the components serving new use cases allows the platform to be relevant and grow organically. It provides the opportunity to incorporate continuous feedback and expand multiple capabilities. It also allows the organization to get familiar with the platform and all its aspects and reveals potential internal challenges (e.g. accessing, unifying and cleaning data) that will be faced during the transformation.

Important to note, applying a gradual, iterative approach, requires a properly established fundament or baseline which allows further scaling and expanding.

A well-defined roadmap is crucial when using a gradual strategy. It provides a clear direction, helps to prioritize tasks, tackle challenges and ensures all stakeholders are aligned towards a common strategy. 

Keeping the user at the core

Even though data is everywhere, generating value from it can be challenging. The transformation of data into actionable insights faces many hurdles in any type of organization. 

A data platform's value lies solely in the hands of its consumers. Without users, a data platform merely comprises data and technology. It is the consumers who impart relevance and significance to the data, and who ultimately use these insights and analytics generated by the platform to steer business decisions and generate value. That’s why understanding the business’ needs is a crucial first step in building a data platform. After constructing the data platform, the primary challenge frequently becomes maintaining the trust of the end-users within the platform, and faith in the data that has been used.

Reading the above content, it is not hard to understand that effective user adoption is crucial for the success of a data platform. This requires careful planning and consideration of the needs and skills of the user. Ensuring a positive experience with the data platform is important for driving adoption and maximizing its value. 

This can involve designing the platform to be intuitive and easy to use, providing relevant and timely data and insights, and ensuring the platform integrates seamlessly with other systems and processes.

How can we help

Now, more than ever, is the time to embrace data and unlock its broad value within your organization.

Our KPMG BE Lighthouse team of data professionals is powered by an international network of data specialists and strategic relationships across the emerging technology landscape. Working shoulder-to-shoulder with clients, reinforced by our business and sector experts, we believe in co-creating pragmatic solutions that generate tangible value.

Let us help you transform your organization, making it more data-driven. The KPMG BE Lighthouse team will be there to guide you along every step in this challenging and important journey.