Many companies are adopting a data-driven approach, recognizing that effective use of their data is the key difference between an average enterprise and a high-performing business. In addition to embracing a more data-driven mindset, they are investing considerably in boosting their data, analytics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. To succeed, companies need to collect, organize, transform, and analyze their data, which forms the basis for everything. These capabilities are typically facilitated by a robust data platform – the backbone for widespread data usage and value creation throughout the company.

While technology is not the sole determinant of success, a well-constructed and effectively managed data platform plays a crucial role in enabling analytical use cases and fostering a data-driven culture within the organization.


Gradually expanding a data platform

Transforming an organization does not happen overnight, and neither does setting up a future-proof data platform for an entire organization. It requires a gradual approach, with well-defined milestones to make the journey a success.

By starting small, you can focus on adding value with limited investment while testing your theories and designs in practice. Gradually adding components to serve new use cases allows the platform to remain relevant and grow organically. This approach provides the opportunity to incorporate continuous feedback and expand multiple capabilities. Additionally, it allows the organization to become familiar with the platform, revealing potential internal challenges - such as accessing, unifying, and cleaning data - that will be encountered during the transformation.

It is important to note that applying a gradual, iterative approach requires a properly established foundation or baseline, which enables further scaling and expansion. A well-defined roadmap is crucial when employing a gradual strategy. It provides a clear direction, aids in prioritizing tasks, addresses challenges, and ensures alignment among all stakeholders toward a common strategy.

Keeping the user at the core

In today's data-rich environment, deriving value from the abundance of available data presents considerable challenges. The process of converting raw data into actionable insights is fraught with obstacles encountered across diverse organizational landscapes.

The true worth of a data platform lies not in its technology or data alone but in the hands of its users. Users infuse data with relevance and significance, leveraging insights and analytics to inform strategic business decisions and drive value. Consequently, understanding the specific needs of the business becomes a foundational step in the construction of any data platform. Once established, a primary challenge often revolves around nurturing the trust of end-users in both the platform and the data it provides.

Recognizing the paramount importance of user adoption underscores the success of any data platform. Achieving this demands meticulous planning tailored to the users' needs and proficiencies. Ensuring an enriching experience with the platform is important to drive adoption and maximize its value.

This entails designing the platform to be intuitive and easy to use, delivering relevant and timely data and insights, and seamlessly integrating it with existing systems and processes.

Reducing time to insight with the KPMG Powered Data Platform

Deploying a data analytics & AI platform is often a time-consuming journey, requiring expertise across various layers such as technology, reporting, and governance. Turning this journey into a success demands thoughtful consideration at every stage.

Enter the Powered Data Platform – a standardized solution that unifies these layers into one. With a suite of pre-built assets, it simplifies the complexity of data transformation projects, allowing for efficient collection, organization, transformation, and analysis of data. This empowers widespread data usage and value creation across the company.

In addition to its stable core, the platform offers flexibility for customization, catering to diverse organizational needs. By providing simplicity and agility, it significantly reduces time to market.

6 interconnected layers of the Powered Data Platform

How we can help

Now, more than ever, is the time to embrace data and unlock its broad value within your organization.

Our KPMG BE Lighthouse team of data professionals is powered by an international network of data specialists and strategic relationships across the emerging technology landscape. Working shoulder-to-shoulder with clients, reinforced by our business and sector experts, we believe in co-creating pragmatic solutions that generate tangible value.

Let us help you transform your organization, making it more data-driven. The KPMG BE Lighthouse team will be there to guide you along every step in this challenging and important journey.