A flexible and well thought-out remuneration and mobility plan is a must for companies that want to remain competitive on the labor market.

During this seminar we will provide you with an update on cafeteria plans and alternative forms of mobility.

  • New legislation, positions of the Ruling Committee, mobility budget and trends for 2019 with Olivier Vanneste (Mobility and Reward Specialist at KPMG) and Alexis Ceuterick (Labor Law and Social Security Specialist at K law).
  • The cafeteria plan and challenges in terms of mobility within Brussels Airport with Hannelies Slabbynck (Compensation and Benefits Manager at Brussels Airport).
  • A short demo of the new KPMG Flex Reward & Mobility Tool, a web-based solution for cafeteria plans and flexible mobility. A personal demo of the tool is also possible before and after the seminar.

Practical information


  • 10.00: Registration and welcome coffee
  • 10.30: Seminar and demo
  • 12.00: Networking lunch
  • 13.00: End


KPMG Antwerp office (Post X)
Borsbeeksebrug 30 bus 2
2600 Antwerpen


Our office is easily accessible by train. From Berchem station you can take the footbridge to our office.