KPMG entered this project to find a solution to fostering a healthier Vietnam; the solution is believed to be self-care. The fundamental principles of self-care, how those compares to Vietnam’s self-care approach, and data on health in Vietnam were combined to create a holistic view of Vietnam’s current and future path. This, along with an analysis of some of the world’s best self-care practices, paved way for a solution to perfecting self-care in Vietnam.
This analysis provides a multifaceted overview of the current ‘self-care’ situation in Vietnam, and the journey towards a healthier Vietnam. It aims to facilitate augmentations to already existing programs and policies that, combined, will help Vietnam reach it’s UHC 2030 ambitions.
Report Structure
This report provides and outlines the solution to Vietnam achieving the United Nations’ Strategic Development Goals for Universal Health Coverage (UHC): self-care. The cost of conditions in terms of Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) is examined and linked with the importance and benefits of self-care, especially its impact towards UHC. To that extent, already implemented government self-care initiatives in Vietnam are then analyzed, where the shortcomings are identified and cross-referenced with potential outcomes for stakeholders (patient, government, and industry). Together, they expose what augmentations should be made to the current program, and how private and public sectors could collaborate. The report also considers the impacts of self-care beyond having a ‘healthy population’: economic impacts, savings, productivity impacts, and DALY impact. Finally, the report offers a way in which to properly utilize and/or improve previously existing resources and programs to fundamentally raise literacy and awareness of self-care and expand access to self-care tools and platforms, bringing UHC and health in Vietnam from good to great.
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