KPMG is pleased to introduce our tax and legal handbook for prospective investors and new entrants to the Vietnamese market.  This handbook has been prepared by our market entry team lead by Dean Rolfe and we are pleased to share our extensive local knowledge and experience with you.

Please note this handbook has been prepared to provide general guidance on a range of generic tax and legal matters and should not be used in substitution for advice based on individual facts and circumstances.  Should you require assistance on any issues raised in this handbook, please reach out to your local KPMG contact or Dean Rolfe directly. 

We hope you find this handbook, informative and useful.



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Commercial, Labour and Employment Law in Vietnam

Labour and Employment

Banking and Foreign Exchange Control


Intellectual Property

Deal with Recruitment, Labour contract, Notice for termination, Working hours, Wage rates, etc

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Deal with direct investment , indirect investment, Foreign exchange control, and Profit remittance regulations

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The Vietnamese Constitution stipulates that land in Vietnam belongs to the people with the State acting as the representative owner and exerting its control over the land in practice on the people’s behalf. 

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Intellectual property that is protected under Vietnamese laws include: Copyright, Industrial property, Rights to plant varieties, etc.

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