KPMG Law Ukraine recognised among 50 Leading Legal Companies in Ukraine 2020

KPMG Law Ukraine

The start of December is traditionally associated with the announcement of the results of the rating 50 Leading Legal Companies in Ukraine, and this year the Yuridicheskaya Praktika publishing house presented them on 8 December. KPMG Law Ukraine has been recognised in the ranking for the fifth year in a row and this time took the 23rd position.


The start of December is traditionally associated with the announcement of the results of the rating 50 Leading Legal Companies in Ukraine, and this year the Yuridicheskaya Praktika publishing house presented them on 8 December. KPMG Law Ukraine has been recognised in the ranking for the fifth year in a row and this time took the 23rd position.

KPMG Law Ukraine has risen by one position compared to the previous year, and has frequently been named the leading firm in tax law and tax dispute resolution. Partner Sergey Popov was mentioned among the leading tax lawyers. For the first time, partner Oksana Olekhova was recognised in the rating. According to the market survey, Larysa Antoshchuk, Head of Tax Dispute Resolution in Ukraine, has been named a leading tax lawyer.

For the first time this year, KPMG Law Ukraine was named among the market leaders in the energy and natural resources and real estate and construction. KPMG Law Ukraine was also named a market leader in corporate law and M&A, while Yuriy Katser, who leads legal services, was cited as being a leading lawyer within this practice.

The KPMG Law Ukraine team is happy with the results of the rating and wishes to thank everyone involved: clients, market colleagues, and the rating organisers.

© 2025 KPMG. KPMG refers Limited Liability Company “KPMG Ukraine” and/or Private Joint-Stock company "KPMG Audit" and/or ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION ''KPMG LAW UKRAINE'', companies incorporated under the Laws of Ukraine, member firms of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

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