Ukrainian M&A Review 2017
Ukrainian M&A Review 2017
We remain optimistic that the year ahead will see further growth in Ukrainian M&A, both in terms of the number and value of deals, driven in part by the increasing appetite of foreign investors, and demand for assets with strong export potential.
Although Ukrainian M&A remains relatively modest by comparison to other Central Eastern European (CEE) countries, and is still well below the recent peak of 2013, we continue to see a number of positive indicators for the country’s deal activity.
Overall, Ukrainian M&A recorded double-digit growth in both the number and value of deals announced in 2017: activity increased by 22 per cent to 67 deals, with a combined value of USD1 billion, 37 per cent higher than the previous year.
- Overview
- 2017 in Review
- 2018 Outlook
- Methodology
- Appendixes
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