CEO Outlook 2017: Disrupt and grow

CEO Outlook 2017: Disrupt and grow

Today, more than ever before, leading a business is about challenging convention and driving radical change.



Confidence is rising:

Nearly half (46%) of CEOs are highly confident about their growth prospects over the next three years, up from 32% in 2016.

Disruption creates opportunity:

Disruption is now seen as an opportunity rather than a threat by 60% of today’s CEOs.

The need for speed is essential:

Speed to market is viewed as this year’s top strategic priority for CEOs, followed closely by digitizing business. A stronger client focus, which was last year’s number one priority, dropped to the number 10 spot this year.

Cyber security spend reaps rewards:

Over the next three years, CEOs expect to make significant cyber investments. In fact, 75% of them believe such investment is an opportunity to find new revenue streams and innovate.

CEOs have digital, data, and sensory concerns:

  • More than half (57%) say their organizations do not have the sensory capabilities and innovative processes to respond to disruption.
  • One in six CEOs are concerned about integrating cognitive processes and artificial intelligence capabilities.
  • Forty-five percent say they are not leveraging digital as a means to connect to customers effectively.
  • CEOs seem split over how much they trust their data, as 49% reveal they are concerned about the integrity of the data that are driving their decisions.

Get more insights about these results and many more key findings, which provide greater details on how CEOs plan to meet today’s business needs while making the right moves for future success.

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