KPMG Live | Looking for an investment ‘nanny’:
How to take advantage of state innovation?
How to take advantage of state innovation?
Date: 21 October 2021
Time: 16:00 – 18:00
Language: English. Translation will not be provided.
Ukraine invites investors to help evolve the country's economy. In February 2021, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, signed the Law № 1116-IX ‘On State Support of Investment Projects with Significant Investments in Ukraine’, commonly known as the "Investment Nanny Law". Its task is to stimulate significant investment in the Ukrainian economy, increasing the overall investment attractiveness of the country. Ever since the initiative was announced, up to and even after signing, this Law has been the subject of heated discussion and debate about its advantages, disadvantages, and features.
Together with UkraineInvest, we are hosting a discussion with representatives of key public authorities.
We invite you to take part in the second meeting in our series "Modernising government. Ukraine. On the way to change" where out topic will be “Looking for an investment ‘nanny’: How to take advantage of state innovation”.
During the conversation, the speakers will talk about:
- How the legislation works and the areas of interest to investors
- The role of UkraineInvest in supporting investors
- Projects in the ‘investment nanny’ portfolio
- Benefits of the new legislation
- ‘Investment nannies’: who they are and who can count on their support
- Conditions for receiving state support
- Documentation preparation procedure and feasibility study for applications
- Tax and legal aspects of receiving state support
Event speakers include:
- Yevhen Shakotko, Deputy Executive Director of UkraineInvest
- Olga Magaletska, Head of the Office of the National Investment Council
- Julia Skubak, Director of Investment Department, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
- KPMG in Ukraine experts
The meeting will last about 2 hours and will be broadcast live via Facebook and YouTube.
Language of the event: English. Translation will not be provided.