Emerging Trends in Infrastructure 2019
Emerging Trends in Infrastructure 2019
Tides and trends driving the world’s infrastructure markets.
Tides and trends driving the world’s infrastructure markets.
This will be a year of data-driven enlightenment for the infrastructure sector. It is the year where data and analytics matures in the sector; it is the year where evidence-based decision-making starts to become commonplace; it is the year where all organizations begin to uncover new insights that lead to new opportunities and – ultimately – important choices.
It is not surprising, perhaps, that one of the key themes throughout this year’s edition of Emerging Trends in Infrastructure is the new focus on data and analytics. As we note, governments and infrastructure authorities are starting to recognize the true value of their data in driving insights, operational performance and broader innovation. This year, we expect to see adoption spread – across sectors, ecosystems and life cycles.
We believe that many of the opportunities facing infrastructure authorities over the coming year will influence the world order for decades to come. Technology is providing the scope for radically different solutions to infrastructure needs, and often much more cost effectively. In fact, in some cases, the answer may not involve any civil engineering or building at all. As a result, there is significant potential for emerging markets to leapfrog the developed world. What a change.
Those that are able to stay on top of the emerging trends and understand their broader implications will be well placed to make the choices they need to drive their future success. And that is what this edition of Emerging Trends in Infrastructure is all about.
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