More sustainable healthcare

More sustainable healthcare

High quality care at affordable costs is an issues faced by most countries.

High quality care at affordable costs is an issues faced by most countries...

healthcare worker aiding a patient

"The quest for sustainable healthcare – high-quality care at affordable costs – is one of the most pressing issues that countries face today, both mature and developing economies alike." - Dr. Mark Britnell, Chairman and Partner, Global Healthcare Practice

KPMG Global Healthcare practice is contributing to healthcare innovation and solutions.

KPMG gathered together 65 healthcare leaders from 30 countries across six continents to discuss effective strategies for successful transformation.

I am especially pleased to have been invited by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to join their Global Agenda Council on the Future of the Health Sector. With healthcare systems around the world coming under increasing pressure, the Global Agenda Council is an invaluable forum for systematically addressing challenges and providing support to governments and organizations that can make a difference.

My hope is that through the WEF and other like-minded organizations we can speed up the rate of healthcare innovation and create solutions to benefit people across the world.

From my experience working across 60 countries in the past 5 years, I have seen first-hand that there is more that we can do, even with the limited and scarce resources in today’s healthcare systems.

The work in areas such as personalized medicine and genomics offers great promise. But to address the pressures that healthcare systems are under today, innovations in patient technology and workforce design can make a tremendous contribution to achieving sustainable and universal healthcare.

KPMG’s Global Healthcare practice and Center of Excellence are making a difference for organizations seeking innovative approaches. Clients are able to get a broader perspective on their current issues, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions. The combination of our global mindset and expertise with local prowess means clients get the best of both worlds –global insight translated into practical action.

A great example of this is how we helped the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) build the most expansive health leadership program in the world – first creating a strategy for developing new leaders, and then establishing the NHS Leadership Academy to actually do the training.

‘What Works’

Through the resources of our Global Healthcare Practice, KPMG firms are expanding knowledge transfer and support to clients in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. Under the banner of ‘What Works’, we are working to examine key global issues and provide insights that will help organizations to transform their thinking and bring fresh approaches to creating innovative solutions.

By mixing KPMG global insights, with the ideas of some of the best practitioners in healthcare and producing thought leadership to help each other tackle the challenges, important advances can be made in realizing sustainable healthcare. For KPMG and our Global Healthcare practice, it is all about ‘What Works.’

Leading innovation

From my experience working across 60 countries in the past 5 years, I have seen first-hand that there is more that we can do, even with the limited and scarce resources in today’s healthcare systems.

The work in areas such as personalized medicine and genomics offers great promise. But to address the pressures that healthcare systems are under today, innovations in patient technology and workforce design can make a tremendous contribution to achieving sustainable and universal healthcare.

KPMG’s Global Healthcare practice and Center of Excellence are making a difference for organizations seeking innovative approaches. Clients are able to get a broader perspective on their current issues, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions. The combination of our global mindset and expertise with local prowess means clients get the best of both worlds –global insight translated into practical action.

A great example of this is how we helped the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) build the most expansive health leadership program in the world – first creating a strategy for developing new leaders, and then establishing the NHS Leadership Academy to actually do the training.

‘What Works’

Through the resources of our Global Healthcare Practice, KPMG firms are expanding knowledge transfer and support to clients in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. Under the banner of ‘What Works’, we are working to examine key global issues and provide insights that will help organizations to transform their thinking and bring fresh approaches to creating innovative solutions.

By mixing KPMG global insights, with the ideas of some of the best practitioners in healthcare and producing thought leadership to help each other tackle the challenges, important advances can be made in realizing sustainable healthcare. For KPMG and our Global Healthcare practice, it is all about ‘What Works.’

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