KPMG launches Integrated Due Diligence

KPMG launches Integrated Due Diligence spanning financial, tax and legal services amidst the rise of M&A deals in Thailand

spanning financial, tax and legal services amidst the rise of M&A deals in Thailand

Bangkok, 28 September 2021 – The Merger & acquisitions (M&A) market is on the rise globally, especially booming in North America and in parts of Europe. In Thailand, despite the third wave of the pandemic hitting hard, businesses are still continuing their expansion projects. According to the Board of Investment (BOI), the accumulated value of private investment spiked 158% during the first seven months of 2021 year-on-year. During the same period, Thailand attracted THB279 billion in foreign direct investment, the biggest investors being companies from Japan, the US and China.

KPMG’s Integrated Due Diligence team offers businesses a seamless team of multidisciplinary professionals covering all Due Diligence needs, with financial, tax and legal due diligence at its core. Working closely and efficiently in multi-skilled teams, KPMG helps clients optimize transactions by providing a holistic integrated due diligence service. In addition to these core due diligence services, KPMG Deal Advisory also provide integrated assistance across the M&A spectrum, including commercial due diligence and growth strategy; IT, operational, HR and ESG due diligence; legal and tax structuring, all underpinned by an understanding of the importance of value creation throughout all of these levers.

About KPMG

KPMG is a global organization of independent professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 146 countries and territories and in FY20 had close to 227,000 people working in member firms around the world. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.

About KPMG in Thailand

KPMG in Thailand, with more than 2,000 professionals offering Audit and Assurance, Legal, Tax, and Advisory services, is a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.

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Ploi Phayakvichien