

USD+ in review

Amid a world of economic uncertainty, geopolitical risks, and evolving technologies, CEOs in the Energy, Natural Resources, and Chemicals (ENRC) sectors are displaying surprising confidence. The 2024 ENRC CEO Outlook reveals how industry leaders are balancing risks and opportunities to drive growth and innovation.

From inflation-proofing operations to integrating generative AI and prioritizing ESG, this report offers valuable insights into how CEOs are steering their companies toward a future of resilience and sustainability. Download the report to explore these strategies and get a detailed look at the key trends shaping the ENRC sector in 2024 and beyond.

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KPMG 2024 Global Energy CEO Outlook

Explore how leaders in Energy, Natural Resources, and Chemicals are navigating a turbulent landscape with confidence and strategic clarity.

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Key findings from our research

  • 78%
    of CEOs are confident in the economy’s growth over the next three years — similar to last year.
  • 2/3
    Almost two thirds view Gen AI to be the top investment priority for their organizations
  • 79%
    believe AI won’t reduce jobs in their organization.
  • 93%
    predict a full return to office over the next three years.
  • 35%
    say that their greatest barrier to achieving net zero, or similar climate ambitions is the complexity of decarbonizing supply chains. 

What can energy, natural resources and chemicals leaders learn from the ENRC CEO Outlook?


Navigating Global Shifts in the Boardroom

ENRC CEOs remain cautiously optimistic despite mounting geopolitical and economic risks. Geopolitical tensions pose the greatest risk, but leaders are focusing on agility and strategic foresight to navigate the future.


Strategies for Growth

With energy prices strong and demand high, ENRC CEOs are adjusting strategies to keep pace with market demands, showing a strong commitment to growth despite a complex risk environment.


Economic Outlook and Business Confidence

Confidence among ENRC CEOs remains high, with many planning strategic acquisitions and partnerships to fuel future growth.


Accelerating Innovation and Navigating Generative AI

Generative AI is firmly on the CEO agenda, but leaders are taking a cautious and structured approach to avoid risks, while planning significant investment in AI-driven transformation.

As cyber risks evolve with the rise of AI, ENRC CEOs are prioritizing investment in security measures to safeguard operations.


Future Landscape of ESG Strategies

ESG remains a crucial agenda item, with ENRC CEOs taking proactive steps toward net zero and sustainability. The growing focus on ESG as a driver for capital allocation and partnerships marks a significant shift in business strategy.


Evolving Workforce Dynamics

Workforce dynamics are shifting, with CEOs balancing the integration of new technologies like AI with efforts to foster an in-office working culture.


Why Download the Report?

By downloading the 2024 Energy, Natural Resources and Chemicals CEO Outlook report, you'll gain unparalleled insights into:
  • The top risks and opportunities facing the energy sector today.
  • How CEOs are adapting to a rapidly changing geopolitical and economic landscape.
  • The role of generative AI, ESG, and workforce dynamics in shaping the future of the industry.

Take your strategic planning to the next level with expert analysis and data-driven findings from leading executives in energy.

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