The pressure on the planet's natural environment has soared in recent decades and its alarming impact is raising unprecedented questions about the world's future health and prosperity. The state of change is so severe that we have put the planet's very future at risk. This alarming and unprecedented trend could ripple through the globalized economy - undermining the ability of people, communities, businesses and economies to thrive.
All businesses depend on nature and its services. Those highly reliant on nature are most at risk from the harmful and costly consequences of nature degradation and biodiversity loss. Biodiversity loss affects companies across all sectors. In addition to many businesses being directly depedent on nature and biodiversity for their operations and services, most businesses also depend on nature indirectly through their supply chains.
As well as a risk to businesses, nature and biodiversity should also be considered an opportunity. Businesses have different ways to start their journey with nature, depending on their needs and final destination. This report serves as a business guide to nature, designd to help businesses get started on their nature journey.
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