Discover how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors have transformed from optional considerations to essential components of lasting financial success. In today's landscape, businesses are realizing the significance of ESG in attracting talent, engaging customers, and raising capital.
With the rise of ESG comes a new kind of risk: ESG risk. Companies are now reshaping their governance structures, embracing commitments, and making strategic decisions. This evolution demands transparency and adaptability across all levels of operation.
The latest paper from KPMG International delves into the strategies that companies are employing to navigate this paradigm shift and help ensure long-term viability. Understand the vital role of internal audit in providing objective assurance and advice on ESG reporting and sustainability matters.
Learn about KPMG firms’ flexible internal audit methodology, adaptable to your company's needs and uncover how it can help your organization navigate the complex realm of ESG risk. Take the first step towards addressing ESG risk management and stay informed in the ever-changing business world by understanding how ESG risk can shape your organization's future.
Why work with KPMG in Thailand
KPMG in Thailand, with more than 2,000 professionals offering Audit and Assurance, Legal, Tax, and Advisory services, is a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.