KPMG’s 2018 Future of HR Survey

KPMG’s 2018 Future of HR Survey

KPMG invites you to participate in the 2018 Future of HR Survey


The survey provides key insights and benchmarks to help you better understand how HR function is changing, what are the plans for new technology and artificial intelligence, and what priorities are currently top of mind in the market. Last year 887 executives from 48 countries participated including 78 organisations from Hong Kong.

This year, we will be looking at the impacts of digital disruption, investments in AI, and exploring the concept of the Future of HR. The survey will focus on: 

  • Human Resources Capabilities
  • Technology Digital Issues
  • Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning)
  • Predictive Analytics 

The survey will provide both English & Chinese version, and will close on 19 August 2018.

Take survey now


A complimentary report will be shared with participants in October 2018. We care about maintaining the confidentiality of your data. Please be assured that all responses will remain strictly confidential and results will only be published in aggregate.

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