The old adages of warehouse storage: label clearly, stack heavy to light, and keep tidy. None of those matter anymore when we are already in the information age. Automation & Artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to impact the Consumer & Retail business environment from chatbots to driverless vehicles to automated warehouses.
Warehouse Automation: Transforming Retail, the latest Consumer & Retail publication, pinpoints how automated warehouses of the future will have an even greater role in the Consumer & Retail business. In this publication, we explore key topics in warehouse automation, from case studies, investment incentives in Thailand, key technologies in automated warehouse as well as its success factors and challenges.
“The continuous trend of consumer spending towards online retail has significant impact on the logistics industry. The speed of delivery is becoming increasingly important. The automated warehouse is a solution to leaner, faster and more efficient processes, as well as the avoidance of expensive retrofitting or building obsolesce. There are many key technologies and key success factors to driving decisions around the location, size and design of warehouses. Cost, people development and risk management are key management challenges to consider.”
Thanit Osathalert
Partner, Audit Retail, KPMG in Thailand
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