Beyond auditor’s report

Beyond auditor’s report

For many years, we may not pay full attention in every single word that are written in the auditor’s report. This may be because the auditor’s report for each entities are written in standardized descriptions. From now on, we may have to take a more careful look at the report, especially the one for listed entities. According to the new and revised Thai Auditing Standards, auditors will be required to communicate key audit matters and how the audit is performed in the auditor’s report for listed entities. Tailor for each entity and provide more insights for interested users to gain more understanding. The changes will also inspire greater transparency and values in financial reporting, which will be beneficial for the users.

Beyond auditor’s report

Highlights of this publication

  • What are the changes?
  • Changes for ALL entities
  • Let’s hear what our partners say about the changes in the auditor’s report
  • The new-style audit report


Explore further by reading KPMG’s article below:

Beyond auditor's report - English Version (PDF, 1.32 MB)

Beyond auditor's report - Thai Version (PDF, 1.36 MB)

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