Now or Never - 2016 CEO Outlook
Now or Never - 2016 CEO Outlook
The China findings from KPMG’s annual 2016 Global CEO Outlook show that despite a challenging global economic environment, confidence remains high among China’s CEOs. They are strengthening their capabilities today and readying their businesses for a very different future, through innovation, collaboration, advanced technology and more specialised talent. The report surveyed nearly 1,300 CEOs worldwide – including 129 from China – and provides valuable insight into their strategic and investment priorities, concerns and growth strategies.
2016 China CEO Outlook
The China findings from KPMG’s annual 2016 Global CEO Outlook show that CEOs of China-headquartered companies are prioritising innovation to drive growth and have highlighted it as one of their top strategic priorities, ahead of their global counterparts. In addition to innovation, new products, IoT and data analysis capabilities are top focus areas for investment for China’s CEOs. The report surveyed nearly 1,300 CEOs worldwide – including 129 from China – and provides valuable insight into their strategic and investment priorities, concerns and growth strategies.
While the US was identified as the region with the greatest growth potential in 2015, global respondents this year view India and China as the most attractive markets for new market growth, signalling a shift in regional focus. At the same time, about two-thirds of the surveyed China CEOs view their domestic market as having the greatest potential for growth.
Emerging technology and strategic risks are some key concerns for China’s CEOs, while worries over the relevance of their company’s products or services three years from now weigh heavily on their minds. In addition, a significant number of China respondents believe there is a significant need to develop talent across all key functions.
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