KPMG and Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency Executive Briefing
13 June 2017, 8:30AM - 10:00AM, ICT
Fiscal Presence with Substance:
Complying with the OECD Guidelines on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) in Tax
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has initiated international tax coordination on a global scale to fight international base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). Multinational companies with establishments abroad will need to comply with new tax rules globally, specifically focusing on real economic activities if they want to continue to make use of tax treaties and other fiscal benefits in their host countries. The new OECD guidance on BEPS is currently being introduced in many countries in the world, especially the European Union which has been proactive in their efforts to amend EU taxation rules.
Multinational companies are currently addressing the changing international landscape by considering to add more relevant staff and decision-making powers to their foreign operations, further increasing the growth potential of their companies overseas.
Multinational companies are currently addressing the changing international landscape by considering to add more relevant staff and decision-making powers to their foreign operations, further increasing the growth potential of their companies overseas.
This seminar will cover the topics of:
- The substance requirements of the OECD BEPS Guidelines
- Practical steps companies can take to comply with the substance requirements
- Placing operational activities in the Netherlands as the basis for serving the European market
Speakers will look at these developments from a tax compliance and from an operational and commercial point of view, and will be available for individual consultation after the seminar. The event will be opened by Khun Kiatchai Sophastienphong, Vice Minister for Finance of Thailand.
We look forward to welcoming you.
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13 June 2017
07:45 Registration and breakfast
08:30 Welcome and introduction by KPMG and NFIA
08:35 Introduction by Mr. Kiatchai Sophastienphong, Vice Minister for Finance of Thailand
08:40 Complying with the OECD guidelines on fiscal substance
by Vinod Kalloe, Head of International Tax Policy KPMG Meijburg & Co in The Netherlands
09:10 Placing operational activities in the Netherlands to serve the European market
by Elmar Bouma, Director Southeast Asia, Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, Singapore
09:30 Investing in Europe from Thailand by Wirat Sirikajornkij, Partner, Head of ASEAN+, KPMG in Thailand
09:50 Q&A
Language: English
Who should attend: CEO, CFO, senior management of companies with fiscal presence in Europe
Registration: Seats are limited to two per company; early registration is recommended. Please register before 9 June 2017, by clicking here.
Contact: For more information, please contact Khun Tippawan +66 (0)2 677 2550 or
Venue: KPMG Executive Lounge, M Floor, Empire Tower
1 South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120 Map