LG Hausys acquired majority shareholding in Slovak company c2i

LG Hausys acquired majority shareholding in c2i

KPMG Deal Advisory acted as the lead M&A advisor in connection with the disposal of the majority shareholding in c2i, a Slovak composite components producer for Automotive and Aerospace sector, to Korean conglomerate LG Hausys.

Marc Leubner

Partner, Head of Deal Advisory Services

KPMG in Slovakia

Deal Advisory

„As leading M&A advisor we supported the seller by means of managing of efficient cooperation, deal strategy and negotiation process on both sides, leading to the successful closing of the deal on March 28, 2017“, said Stanislav Sumsky, partner KPMG Deal Advisory.

„KPMG advised me on financial and commercial aspects of the deal, negotiated with the investors and closely cooperated with my legal advisors. I am very satisfied with the excellent M&A advisory and organizational support I received by the KPMG M&A team,“ said Patrick Hessel, CEO c2i.

About the deal

c2i , a company established by Mr. Patrick Hessel in Dunajska Streda, is among the leading carbon-fibre thermoset components for automotive and aerospace producers in Europe. Since the factory opening in 2006, the company has become one for the most innovative and growing carbon-fibre parts producers serving well-established companies such as BMW, Porsche, Bentley, Jaguar Land Rover and B/E Aerospace. The company generated a turnover of €23 mil. employing 450 people in 2016.

LG Hausys, a subsidiary of Korean conglomerate LG, is built on a long-lasting tradition in production of chemical substances and materials with application in wide range of industries such as automotive, construction materials or electronics. The company's activities generate turnover of over EUR 2.5 billion annually and it employs over 4,000 people across the world.

Mutually beneficial cooperation shall leverage strong customer base and production capability established in c2i together with R&D expertise of LG Hausys where teams of engineers pursue in-house development of composite materials and production processes for next generation applications. Furthermore, the acquisition of c2i represents a cornerstone for LG Hausys’s strategy for the auto-parts sector, one of the key growth areas for the whole LG group.

About KPMG Deal Advisory

The Deal Advisory practice of KPMG International Cooperative’s member firms (”KPMG”) is a leading M&A advisor in the CEE region according to Thomson Reuters SDC’s 2016 global, European and CEE transaction volume league tables. Also in Slovakia, KPMG is ranked among top M&A advisors.

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