In an era marked by rapid change and unprecedented complexity, the landscape of enterprise risk management (ERM) is evolving at an extraordinary pace. The Middle East, with its unique blend of local dynamics and global influences, presents distinct challenges and opportunities for businesses across various industries.

As we launch the KPMG 2024 enterprise risk management survey, our goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the key risks facing organizations in the Middle East. This year, we have gathered insights from risk professionals and industry leaders across Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman to explore the overarching trends impacting decision-making and strategic planning, as well as the nuanced, industry-specific challenges that require tailored risk management approaches. By analyzing the responses, we aim to illuminate the primary risk factors influencing organizational resilience and growth in the region.

We hope this report serves as a valuable resource for navigating the complexities of ERM in today’s dynamic risk landscape.

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Enterprise risk management

Middle East survey
