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The pace of market events and the variability of the economic environment contribute to an increase in the number of M&A transactions. For some this may be an opportunity for rapid growth of their enterprise, for others a chance to sell at a good price. Regardless of the scenario, the role of an M&A lawyer is to draw up the transaction documentation to maximize the profit from the transaction, while minimizing the risks and costs. KPMG Law helps clients select and implement the optimal M&A scenario, employing the firm’s wealth of experience, unique knowledge, and familiarity with the market.

What are financing transactions?

Obtaining external financing is a driving force for participants in the market economy, enabling them to increase their liquidity and expand their business to new markets or areas. It is an integral feature of the contemporary economic landscape, contributing to the steady growth of the economy and the development of our clients.

Challenges to companies in financing transactions. Why is advisory in this area so important?

In light of the multiplicity of types of financing and the related parameters, often specific to each transaction, it is essential to receive comprehensive legal support starting from the initial stages of negotiating the terms of the transaction (e.g. in the form of a term sheet or heads of terms), through negotiation of the transaction documentation and fulfilment of conditions precedent and subsequent, including security instruments. Thanks to our deep practical experience in structuring and negotiating financing transactions, clients receive support generating true added value, reflecting the specifics of the particular type of financing, the sector in which the clients operate, and the subject of the financing, as well as the nuances of the specific local markets in a cross-border scenario.

Moreover, by participating in the transaction from the initial stages, we are in a position to provide support also when there is a decision to pursue deleveraging, refinancing, or possibly early restructuring of the debt, in a fast, effective manner generating positive impacts for the client.

What can you gain from our support in financing transactions?

Our competitive advantages include a wealth of experience and deep knowledge of market practice, as well as participation in the structures of KPMG facilitating support in tax, accounting, financial and regulatory transactional advice, including structuring of transactions from the financial and tax sides.

We offer a one-stop shop, ensuring full and efficient advisory unleashing the synergies within KPMG.

Also prized by our clients is our regulatory experience, unmatched in Poland, allowing us to deliver support in this field as well (such as opinions on vertical mergers, recognition of security interests, and introduction of parameters for reducing risk-weighted assets).

KPMG legal advisory on financing transactions

We specialize in advising financial institutions, borrowers, sponsors and issuers on transactional and regulatory issues of financing. We have extensive experience in bilateral and consortium structured financing, including of acquisitions, projects, real estate and renewable energy projects, current corporate financing in a range of product groups (from investment grade to cash pooling, intraday, factoring and confirming solutions), financing of exports, margin loans and bid financing, particularly, where relevant, under LMA standards (including secondary syndication, subparticipation, and changes in transaction parameters).

We also advise on legal aspects of derivative instruments, under the ISDA standard and the local ZBP standard, an area where we have extensive experience recognized by the market.

About us

We are a dynamic team with extensive experience over the past two decades in all types of debt financing—experience gained in international law firms and in the legal departments of lenders supporting corporate banking and investment banking, in Poland and abroad, in the world’s leading debt markets.

Thus we stand out on the market for our unique combination of knowledge of legal aspects, including key documentation standards, and market practice, giving our clients a negotiating edge allowing all stakeholders to achieve a satisfactory result in the transaction.

And thanks to the global network of KPMG law firms, we can ensure legal support in nearly every jurisdiction in the world.

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