Tax Alert: Call for applications for the program supporting projects focused on hydrogen technologies

The project is valued at ca. PLN 3 billion.

The project is valued at ca. PLN 3 billion.

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The call for applications was launched on 20 December 2024 and will remain open until 28 February 2025. Applications can also be submitted electronically. The call takes the form a competition.

Eligible projects

As part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan [KPO], PLN 2,823 416,000.00 will be paid out to support construction of Renewable Fuel of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO) hydrogen and low-emission hydrogen production facilities (including electrolysers and auxiliary infrastructure), with the total production capacity of at least 315 MW. The non-refundable support will take the form of subsidies, as part of the third investment bundle covering “investments in hydrogen technologies, including hydrogen production, storage, and transport”.

Only projects that ensure a five-year sustainability of the investment project will be eligible for support. RFNBO or low-emission hydrogen produced in the subsidized facilities during the support period and the subsequent five-year sustainability period should be utilized to help meet Poland's targets for the share of RFNBO hydrogen in industry and/or transport.

Amount of support

The maximum support for an investment project cannot exceed the program's budget. In other words, it cannot surpass the total funds allocated for the investment project, with the support for a single project capped at EUR 320 million. The subsidy value for constructing 1 MW of capacity should be less than approximately EUR 2 million. 


Applications are accepted from 20 December 2024 until 28 February 2025. They can also be submitted electronically. Final contracts with the beneficiaries are expected to be concluded by the end of June 2025.

For more information (in Polish) see B2.1.1. Inwestycje w technologie wodorowe, wytwarzanie, magazynowanie i transport wodoru w formie udzielania wsparcia bezzwrotnego - BGK

KPMG services

The construction of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production facilities will enable the reduction of fossil raw material usage, the replacement of carbon-intensive energy sources, and the substitution of conventional fuels in transport.

Our KPMG Team remains at your disposal for any further information you might require.

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