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The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has launched second round of public consultation on a new priority aid scheme entitled “Assistance in the purchase of zero-emission N2 and N3 vehicles”.

Funded projects and beneficiaries

Funding under the Program will be granted to entrepreneurs (within the meaning of the Polish Entrepreneur’s Law).

The Program is intended to assist entrepreneurs in the purchase/lease of new zero-emission heavy duty vehicles in N2 (with a maximum mass of 3.5 - 12 tonnes) or N3 (with a maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes) category. The new vehicles covered by the Program must use for propulsion only electric energy or electricity produced in hydrogen fuel cells, or only an engine in the life cycle of which greenhouse gas emissions are not produced.

The funding available is to cover a difference in costs between purchase/lease of a zero-emission vehicle and the reference investment, in this case the purchase/lease of a non-zero-emission vehicle of the same purpose, the same category, with the same equipment, and meeting all relevant and applicable EU standards.

The call under the “Assistance in the purchase of zero-emission N2 and N3 vehicles” priority programme will be launched provided that a positive decision to finance the investment project is obtained from the European Investment Bank.

Following the first round of public consultation, the average mileage per year has been decreased from 50 thousand to 25 thousand kilometres for N2 and N3 vehicles used exclusively to perform public services. Furthermore, the definition of a new zero-emission vehicle has been clarified (a vehicle which comes straight from the factory and was not registered before purchase, with a mileage not exceeding 6 thousand kilometres on the day of purchase/lease).

Value of subsidy

The total amount available under the Program is PLN 1 billion.

The maximum co-financing is to amount up to PLN 400 thousand per single N2 zero-emission vehicle and up to PLN 750 thousand per single N3 zero-emission vehicle (considering state aid provisions).

Grants are to amount up to 30% for large enterprises, up to 50% for medium-sized entities, and up to 60% for micro- and small companies.

Some of the conditions of the Program can still be modified. The consultation process ends on 6 August. Remarks can be submitted to: FM@nfosigw.gov.pl (the phrase “Elektryczne samochody ciężarowe N2, N3” must be included in the e-mail subject).

The official notification (in Polish) can be accessed at: Dofinansowanie do zeroemisyjnych pojazdów ciężarowych. Drugie konsultacje społeczne programu - Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej - Portal Gov.pl (www.gov.pl)

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