Our IT Advisory Group provides a comprehensive suite of consulting solutions aimed at helping you to leverage investments in current systems to deliver significant business value and develop high-performing IT functions. We help you, as business leaders, to understand IT investments by providing clarity and assurance on optimizing value, we bring insights on developing an IT function that enhances an organization’s ability to manage regulatory change, pursue growth and reduce costs.
Our expertise stretches across the IT landscape: guiding you to the right solution – whether an ERP implementation, a business intelligence system or an emerging technology – that meets your specific business objectives. We also support your IT strategy and provide sourcing advice, examining logistics and supply chain issues to catalyze performance while delivering cost savings. Our IT skills help you execute transformation strategies with the technology best suited to your business, data and information requirements.
How we can help
Our solutions include:
CIO advisory
Today’s CIO agenda is largely focused around driving value through the IT organization and enabling the business with technology and information. IT is expected to add value by improving business performance, by accelerating time to market, by opening new markets, and facilitating mergers and acquisitions – all while keeping a sharp eye on cost and quality. We improve the strategic value of your investment in technology by supporting your business agenda, enabling technologies and addressing risk, governance, and data security issues.
IT strategy
Our team of experienced IT strategists helps clients build an effective IT strategy. This means that systems deliver value to the business and that the unique risks inherent in technology are monitored in an appropriate governance framework.
Emerging technologies
Organizations can achieve tangible benefits from emerging technologies such as mobility, social media and cloud computing. When turning IT risk into opportunity, an organization must demonstrate effective IT compliance through governance and controls, data integrity, security and privacy, and the supplier management compliance needed to embrace disruptive technologies. Our emerging technology risk services practice helps clients recognize and responsibly manage these risks.
Technology enablement lifecycle
Technology enablement solutions enhance our clients’ use of enterprise-wide business applications. We provide assistance to better enable technology needs as part of a client’s change program—from smaller-scale process improvements to larger transformation programs. We also provide core enabling technology services, including program and project management, testing and quality assurance, and technology architecture solutions.
Enterprise risk - SAP and Oracle
KPMG's enterprise risk management practice can help you implement a sustainable ERM programme by conducting an enterprise risk assessment, assessing current risk management practices, developing a practical road map to achieve a desired risk management future state, transferring knowledge and providing the training necessary to support a successful ERM initiative.
Cyber security
Our cyber security framework illustrates both the organizational
components and the iterative processes required to help assure customers, shareholders and employees that cyber risks are being managed. Our cyber security services practice brings together specialists in information protection and business continuity, risk management, privacy, organizational design, behavioral change and intelligence management.
Infrastructure assessment
Organizations are increasingly dependent on IT and are
significantly impacted by its reliability, efficiency, and responsiveness. Yet,
despite its importance and the significant investments in advanced software and platforms intended to optimize performance, senior leadership in many
organizations remains unsatisfied. Our IT infrastructure assessment, design and
selection practice helps you in enhance your efficiency, flexibility and
effectiveness of your IT infrastructure.
Business continuity
Business continuity planning is essential to keep an organization
functioning when business operations are disrupted. Our IT advisers help ensure that your organization functions smoothly in the face of potentially disruptive events. We analyze your organization’s business-critical processes, assess risks and analyze business impact to develop preventive measures and policies for alternative process management. Developing a business continuity strategy and a master plan for business continuity with integrated disaster recovery prepares your organization for disruptive events and reduces the potential impact of such events on your organization.
IT audits
Organizations with an IT internal audit function rarely have their IT function comprehensively assessed and, so may be exposed to various risks such as ineffective IT cost management, absence of security and fraud prevention controls and poor service delivery. We can work with you on a co-sourced or outsourced arrangement to support your IT internal audit function by bringing a wide range of skills across different technology domains.