Globally, healthcare systems have been experiencing waves of crisis, struggling with issues related to service access, demand, workforce shortages and staff burnout. Aotearoa is no different.  

The Pae Ora reforms set a bold vision to transform New Zealand's health system. With a focus on access, affordability, and outcomes, they aim to ensure equity for all New Zealanders. These reforms need to be delivered in a context of global healthcare challenges such as workforce shortage, service access and demand pressure, and increased fiscal constraint.

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Global lessons for a more efficient and equitable healthcare system in Aotearoa

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The KPMG International publication, Healthcare Horizons, speaks to healthcare’s ‘perfect storm’, and explores challenges and future trends in healthcare such as innovative funding models, digital health and transformation, and population health management. 

These global trends provide valuable insight to help us plan and navigate a challenging period at home in Aotearoa, as we work to achieve a system which is more efficient and equitable. 

However, it is crucial to understand our country's unique context and how this context weaves together with these trends. Underpinning all of our insights is the concept of equity. We believe that the heart of our healthcare system must lie an unwavering commitment to it – that is, fair and just distribution of resources and focus to address disparities and achieve optimal health for all, regardless of culture, socioeconomic status, or other factors.

How KPMG can help

KPMG believes that achieving an inclusive, equitable, and efficient healthcare system requires a cohesive and comprehensive set of responses. KPMG New Zealand is well-positioned to assist organisations in navigating these challenges and supporting the development of approaches to address the complex issues facing our health system.

If your organisation is considering how to best tackle these challenges, please reach out to our experienced team.

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